The Sonia Show

Writer. Podcaster. Beer drinker. Movie watcher. Mother. Goober.

The Mommy Uniform

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Yeah, so, my name is Sonia, and I wear a mommy uniform.

I wouldn’t say I’m any kind of fashionista, but I usually try to wear cute stuff. I have a closet full of dresses that I wear to work or out to dinner and/or drinks.

Here I am in my cube at work showing off the luggage the corporate overlords gave me for five years of service. Think they are trying to tell me something?

Here I am in my cube at work showing off the luggage the corporate overlords gave me for five years of service. Think they are trying to tell me something?

But, if you see me on a Saturday or Sunday during the day, I’m most likely wearing this:

Or this …

This photo was taken around Halloween at the Oakland Zoo. Obviously, I don't usually wear cat ears on the weekends ... unless David asks me to, and that's not appropriate conversation, so mind your business ...

This photo was taken around Halloween at the Oakland Zoo. Obviously, I don’t usually wear cat ears on the weekends … unless David asks me to, and that’s not appropriate conversation, so mind your business …

Black and white striped shirt from Target and my Old Navy jeans: I think this is totally fine thing to wear to the park or the zoo or whatever toddler-suited activity we have planned. I have always been fine with this outfit until a few weeks ago.

Mighty, mighty good man David and I took The Boy to Sunday Streets in San Francisco. [Allow me to explain for the folks that don’t live in SF, Sunday Streets occur once a month, and several blocks in a neighborhood are blocked off to traffic. The blocks are filled with food booths, music, people asking you to sign petitions and activities for kids and what not.]

So, we are walking around the blocked off Embarcadero, and I saw not one, not two, BUT THREE women wearing the exact same thing as me. The EXACT same thing.

“I’m wearing a mommy uniform,” I said to David.

“Well, black and white striped shirts are so hot right now,” he mocked. “I think you look good.”

He’s a nice man.

Look. I get it. I shop at Target. I shop at Target A LOT. When you shop at Target, it’s not like you are getting custom, special clothes. I don’t want to wear a uniform. I don’t want to look like everyone else.

Now, I’m not going to say anything crazy like “I’m not shopping at Target anymore.” That would never happen. Target is two minutes from my office. Also, Target is amazing. Sorry. It’s probably not cool to say that, but it is. I can buy milk , laundry detergent, a living room set and a bathing suit at Target if I wanted to … which I don’t … today.

I will, however, try really hard not to buy anymore clothes from Target. Maybe a few staple items (a cardigan is a cardigan), but maybe I should steer clear of the T-shirts and dresses for a while, just to see how it feels.



Author: The Sonia Show

I'm a writer/podcaster/mother/goober in San Francisco who likes to drink beer, shop, laugh and make other people laugh, watch movies, go to baseball games, kick breast cancer's ass, explore with my awesome autistic son, Calvin, say assy things, and post personal things about myself on the web for all to read, which makes me some sort of literary exhibitionist.

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