The Sonia Show

Writer. Podcaster. Beer drinker. Movie watcher. Mother. Goober.

Please tell me this is about zombies


Yeah, so, someone knocked on our door this morning and handed us this pamphlet.


I almost blurted out, “Is this about zombies?!”

I got really excited. I thought someone had come to talk to us about the impending zombie apocalypse, and I had a lot of questions. Instead, it was just a Jehovah’s Witness, so we politely accepted his pamphlet and told him to have a nice day.

Author: The Sonia Show

I'm a writer/podcaster/mother/goober in San Francisco who likes to drink beer, shop, laugh and make other people laugh, watch movies, go to baseball games, kick breast cancer's ass, explore with my awesome autistic son, Calvin, say assy things, and post personal things about myself on the web for all to read, which makes me some sort of literary exhibitionist.

6 thoughts on “Please tell me this is about zombies

  1. We got the EXACT same pamphlet last week. I was expecting a package and instead I got a Jehovah’s Witness.

  2. Yeah, I got this visit. I was nice to them, agreed my dog was adorable, and then politely mentioned that I won’t argue with people on my doorstep, because it doesn’t benefit anyone. We discussed the relative merits of woodstain versus paint on decks, then they left.
    Much better than the last encounter which took in evolution, the tendency of systems to less complexity, and whether the world is a closed system (It isn’t, but they didn’t believe me.)

  3. They are not very good at marketing! What they should have done was make it about zombies, and then right at the end sneak in some information about Jehovah’s Witnesses. I bet they could get a lot of people that way! 😉

  4. Had to come back here again to let you know we got the exact same flyer last night! I guess I wasn’t home or just didn’t hear the door (We don’t own a doorbell) so they just left it crunched in the screen door.

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